Alessandro Chiumento
Personal hygiene monitoring under the shower using Wi-Fi channel state information
Resource Management Techniques for Cloud/Fog and Edge Computing: An Evaluation Framework and Classification
An all Wireless SDN Framework for BLE Mesh
A multiprotocol low-cost automated testbed for BLE mesh
G2A Localization: Aerial Vehicles Localization Using a Ground Crowdsourced Network.
Localization in ultra narrow band iot networks: Design guidelines and tradeoffs
SDN on BLE: Controlling resource constrained mesh networks
Key technologies and system trade-offs for detection and localization of amateur drones
Touchspeaker, a multi-sensor context-aware application for mobile devices: from application to implementation
Uplink performance analysis of a drone cell in a random field of ground interferers
Aerial anchors positioning for reliable rss-based outdoor localization in urban environments
Bluetooth Now or Low Energy: Should BLE Mesh Become a Flooding or Connection Oriented Network?
Coexistence of terrestrial and aerial users in cellular networks
Link adaptation in massive MIMO: Throughput-fairness trade-off
Localization in long-range ultra narrow band IoT networks using RSSI
The trade-offs of connected vs broadcast ble mesh networking
Coverage and power gain of aerial versus terrestrial base stations
Exploration of user separation capabilities by distributed large antenna arrays
LTE in the sky: Trading off propagation benefits with interference costs for aerial nodes
Touchspeaker, a multi-sensor context-aware application for mobile devices
Ultra-reliable IEEE 802.11 for UAV video streaming: from network to application
Adaptive CSI and feedback estimation in LTE and beyond: a Gaussian process regression approach
Dynamic Resource Allocation and Self-Organizing Signalling Optimisation in LTE-A Downlink
Gaussian process regression for CSI and feedback estimation in LTE
Scalable HetNet interference management and the impact of limited channel state information
Diffs: a low power, multi-mode, multi-standard flexible digital front-end for sensing in future cognitive radios
Exploiting transport-block constraints in LTE improves downlink performance
Multi-objective genetic algorithm downlink resource allocation in LTE: Exploiting the cell-edge vs. Cell-center trade-off
Scalable LTE interference mitigation solution for HetNet deployment
The value of feedback for LTE resource allocation
Transport block scheduling in LTE: advantages in structural limitations
Analysis of power efficiency of schedulers in LTE
Towards a more granular LTE Resource Allocation for Cell Edge Users
Tuning the Longley-Rice propagation model for improved TV white space detection
Energy-throughput simulation approach for heterogeneous LTE scenarios
Modeling of shielding textiles